Petals ESB lifecycles


Several concurrent life-cycles exist in Petals ESB:

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The Petals ESB life-cyle

The Petals ESB life-cycle is very simple.

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A Gliffy Diagram named: Petals ESB lifecyle

It contains only one state: STARTED. The implicit state 'STOPPED' does not really exist because in such state no Petals ESB process is running.

The transition from state 'STOPPED' to 'STARTED' is realized using the Petals ESB startup script 'petals-esb'. The return to the state 'STOPPED' is realized using ^C or the command 'petals-esb stop'. See Starting and stopping Petals ESB.

The shared-library life-cyle

The life-cycle

The shared-library life-cycle is simple.

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A Gliffy Diagram named: Shared-Library lifecyle

It contains only one state: INSTALLED. The implicit state 'UNINSTALLED' does not really exist because the shared-library is not instantiated or loaded.
The transition from state 'UNINSTALLED' to 'INSTALLED' is realized installing the shared library, and the return to the state 'UNINSTALLED' is realized uninstalling the shared-library. A shared library can be (un)installed using Petals CLI, the Petals Autoloader or the JMX API.


The shared library life-cycle is linked to the component life-cycle:

  • a shared library required by a component must be installed before to load the component
  • a shared library can not be uninstalled until a component requiring it is installed.
Component state installSharedLibrary uninstallSharedLibrary

The component life-cycle

The component life-cycle is the more complex life-cycyle of Petals ESB life-cycles. It is composed of two correlated sub life-cycles:

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A Gliffy Diagram named: Component lifecyle

The service-assembly life-cycle

The service-unit life-cyle

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