Objectives and prerequisites

This section aims at describing how to create a Petals component from scratch.
It also explains some technical details on how Petals ESB works and manages components.

A Petals component can be a binding component, that is to say a connector between Petals and an external system, an application or the rest of the world. . Or, it can be a service engine, which provides a reusable and customizable feature inside the bus. The creation of both kinds of components is discussed in this document.

Understanding how a Petals component is made can ease the use of Petals components and help in the management and the configuration of a Petals platform.

This document is intended for Java developers who need or want to develop components for the Petals platform. A good knowledge of Apache Maven is a plus, but is not mandatory. Petals beginners are encouraged to read this tutorial, as it was written with the objective of making the development of components as much easy as possible.

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