

This component implements "WS-Notification", as described in the set ofOASIS Specifications named "Ws-BrokeredNotification".

Services provided by the petals-se-WsNotificationBroker component are  mainly those described in  specification. It means that the petals-se-WsNotificationBroker acts a broker - as described
in "WS-BorkeredNotification" specification. It receives "Subscribe" requests respect to defined topics from Notification Consumer and it receives also "RegisterPublisher" requests on some topics from notification Publisher/Producer.
Then it receives some "Notify" request from registred Notification producers and forwards these requests to Notification consumers that have previously subscribed on related topics.

This component is quite similar to the "petals-se-notification" service engine. However it has been implemented in order to be closer to publishing patterns described in the "WS-BrokeredNotification" specification.
This component has been implemented for following "Research" Projects needs (Genesis - Synergy)

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