These integration of Petals ESB, Petals CLI and Nagios is available on Debian-based system and is packaged as a Debian package: petals-cli-cmd-monitoring-so-nagios.
To run on other operating system, we need your contribution to port the daemon script wrapping Petals CLI on this operating system. |
See Installing Petals ESB CLI using the Debian packages to get more information on this Debian package.
Once your Nagios installation is configured to accept external commands, you must verify in /etc/petals-cli/petals-cli-nagios that the expected Nagios pipe file is set according to your Nagios installation. The default value is the one associated to the Debian package of Nagios.
To add a new defect subscription to sent to Nagios:
- create a new file in the directory /etc/petals-cli/nagios-subscriptions-available from the template /etc/petals-cli/nagios-subscriptions-available/nagios-subscription-template:
# JMX connection information to the Petals ESB container # host=localhost port=7700 username=petals password=petals # The subscription object and its arguments # subscription-object=petals-bc-soap extra-args=-n petals-bc-soap -t file:///etc/petals-cli/
where the first part is the required JMX connection information to establish a communication with a Petals ESB container, and the second part is dedicated to the wanted component emitting defects.
- configure the file /etc/petals-cli/ to map the hosts and services declared into Nagios with your Petals ESB installation,
- the Nagios host is to associate to the defect emitter (see defect details),
- the Nagios service is to associate to the defect identifier (see defect details).
Example of configuration for the BC SOAP and the Nagios configuration defined here:# Example for a Petals BC SOAP running on a Petals ESB node declared as petals-esb-node-1 in Nagios. emitter.petals-bc-soap@localhost=petals-esb-node-1 SOAP - HTTP Server - Current active threads SOAP - Current MEX acceptor threads SOAP - Current MEX processor threads SOAP - Current MEX processor objects
- you can test your defect subscription using the script /usr/bin/petals-cli-nagios run with the Nagios system user:
> sudo -u nagios /usr/bin/petals-cli-nagios <your-defect-subscription-file>
or at a lower level using directly Petals CLI that prints defect on the standard output instead of into the Nagios pipe file (here to get defects of a Petals BC Soap):
> petals-cli -c -- moniting -s petals-bc-soap -- -n petals-bc-soap -t file:///etc/petals-cli/ [1379337251] PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;petals-esb-node-1;org.ow2.petals.component.framework.process.message.processor.thread.pool.exhausted;2;The thread pool of message exchange processors is exhausted ! [1379337252] PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;petals-esb-node-1;org.ow2.petals.component.framework.process.message.processor.thread.pool.exhausted;2;The thread pool of message exchange processors is exhausted !
- once your defect subscription is working, just create a link into the directory /etc/petals-cli/nagios-subscriptions-enable, and restart the service petals-cli-nagios.
Supported defects
See the JBI components documentation to knwon the defects that they send,
See the Petals Container documentation to known which defects are sent by a container,
See the documentation of Petals CLI command 'monitoring' to known which defects are supported by Petals CLI.