Monitoring Petals CDK-based components


All components based on the Petals Component Development Kit provide following metrics:

  • provider side:
    • message exchange acceptor thread pool metrics,
    • message exchange processor thread pool metrics,
    • service provider invocation number per operation and execution status,
    • service provider invocation response times per operation and execution status,
  • consumer side:
    • no metric.
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Monitoring the provider side

Monitoring the message exchange acceptor thread pool

See Creating a graph using a simple data to graph the stats of the thread pool accepting message exchanges:

  • Script/Command of the data input method: -h <petals_host> -n <petals_jmx_port> -u <petals_jmx_user> -p <petals_jmx_password> -c -- monitoring -o generic -f mex-acceptor-thread-pool -- -n <component-id>
  • Output fields of the script/command:
    Name Description Type
    ActiveThreadsMax The maximum number of active threads GAUGE
    ActiveThreadsCurrent The current number of active threads GAUGE

Monitoring the message exchange processor thread pool

See Creating a graph using a simple data to graph the stats of the thread pool of message exchanges:

  • Script/Command of the data input method: -h <petals_host> -n <petals_jmx_port> -u <petals_jmx_user> -p <petals_jmx_password> -c -- monitoring -o generic -f mex-processor-thread-pool -- -n <component-id>
  • Output fields of the script/command:
    Name Description Type
    ActiveThreadsMax The maximum number of active threads GAUGE
    ActiveThreadsCurrent The current number of active threads GAUGE
    IdleThreadsMax The maximum number of idle threads GAUGE
    IdleThreadsCurrent The current number of idle threads GAUGE
    MaxSize The maximum size of the thread pool GAUGE
    MinSize The minimum size of the thread pool GAUGE
    EnqueuedRequestsMax The maximum number of requests that are enqueued waiting a thread to be processed GAUGE
    EnqueuedRequestsCurrent The current number of requests that are enqueued waiting a thread to be processed GAUGE

Monitoring the service provider invocation number per operation and execution status

See Creating a graph using a data query to graph the stats about invocation number of a service provider:

  • the data query definition to put in a file:
            <name>Get service provider invocation number of the BC Soap per operation</name>
            <arg_prepend>-h localhost -n 7700 -u petals -p petals -c -- monitoring -o generic -f service-provider-invocations-count</arg_prepend>
            <arg_index>-- -n petals-bc-soap --list-operations</arg_index>
            <arg_query>-- -n petals-bc-soap --query-operations</arg_query>
            <arg_get>-- -n petals-bc-soap --query-operations</arg_get>
                            <name>Operation name</name>
                            <name>Succeeded invocation counter</name>
                            <name>Failed invocation counter</name>
                            <name>Faulty invocation counter</name>
                            <name>Pending invocation counter</name>
  • Output fields of the script/command:
    Name Description Type
    succeeded The succeeded invocation counter COUNTER
    error The failed invocation counter COUNTER
    fault The faulty invocation counter COUNTER
    pending The pending invocation counter GAUGE

Monitoring the service provider invocation response times per operation and execution status

See Creating a graph using a data query to graph the stats about invocation response times of a service provider:

  • the data query definition to put in a file:
            <name>Get service provider invocation response times of the BC Soap per operation</name>
            <arg_prepend>-h localhost -n 7700 -u petals -p petals -c -- monitoring -o generic -f service-provider-invocations-response-times</arg_prepend>
            <arg_index>-- -n petals-bc-soap --list-operations</arg_index>
            <arg_query>-- -n petals-bc-soap --query-operations</arg_query>
            <arg_get>-- -n petals-bc-soap --query-operations</arg_get>
                            <name>Operation name</name>
                            <name>Succeeded invocation: Min response time</name>
                            <name>Succeeded invocation: Avg response time</name>
                            <name>Succeeded invocation: Max response time</name>
                            <name>Succeeded invocation: 10-percentil response time</name>
                            <name>Succeeded invocation: 50-percentil response time</name>
                            <name>Succeeded invocation: 90-percentil response time</name>
                            <name>Pending invocation: Min response time</name>
                            <name>Failed invocation: Min response time</name>
                            <name>Faulty invocation: Min response time</name>
  • Output fields of the script/command:
    Name Description Type
    succeededMin The min response time of succeeded invocations GAUGE
    succeededAvg The average response time of succeeded invocations GAUGE
    succeededMax The max response time of succeeded invocations GAUGE
    succeeded10p The 10-percentil response time of succeeded invocations GAUGE
    succeeded50p The 50-percentil response time of succeeded invocations GAUGE
    succeeded90p The 90-percentil response time of succeeded invocations GAUGE
    pendingMin The min response time of pending invocations GAUGE
    pendingAvg The average response time of pending invocations GAUGE
    pendingMax The max response time of pending invocations GAUGE
    pending10p The 10-percentil response time of pending invocations GAUGE
    pending50p The 50-percentil response time of pending invocations GAUGE
    pending90p The 90-percentil response time of pending invocations GAUGE
    errorMin The min response time of failed invocations GAUGE
    errorAvg The average response time of failed invocations GAUGE
    errorMax The max response time of failed invocations GAUGE
    error10p The 10-percentil response time of failed invocations GAUGE
    error50p The 50-percentil response time of failed invocations GAUGE
    error90p The 90-percentil response time of failed invocations GAUGE
    faultMin The min response time of faulty invocations GAUGE
    faultAvg The average response time of faulty invocations GAUGE
    faultMax The max response time of faulty invocations GAUGE
    fault10p The 10-percentil response time of faulty invocations GAUGE
    fault50p The 50-percentil response time of faulty invocations GAUGE
    fault90p The 90-percentil response time of faulty invocations GAUGE
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