Reporting a bug

Petals Link's JIRA

Bugs and features requests concerning Petals Studio must be reported on our JIRA.
To post a ticket, you must be logged in. For those who are not yet registered, it is possible to create a JIRA account.
Once you are logged in, go into Projects and select Petals-Studio in the list of projects.

Bug VS. Improvement VS. New Feature

Once in the studio's category, you have the choice between creating a bug entry, an improvement entry or a feature request.
Pay attention to the kind of entry to create.


A bug is defined as « a problem which impairs or prevents the functions of the product ».
Generally, the definition of a bug is well-understood.


An improvement is defined as « an improvement or enhancement to an existing feature or task ».
One example of a new feature would be an extension of the validation made on jbi.xml files (the validation mechanism already exists).

New Features

A new feature is defined as « a new feature of the product, which has yet to be developed ».
One example of a new feature would be the addition of a new editor in the studio (e.g. for XSLT).

Tooling categories

Petals Studio has (for the moment) 3 sub-categories in which you can post tickets.

  • Petals Core Tooling includes all the Petals plug-ins, except those for BPEL and SCA.
  • Petals BPEL Tooling includes all the plug-ins related to BPEL (creation wizard, sketch export, BPEL Designer, validation...).
  • Petals SCA Tooling includes all the plug-ins related to SCA (creation wizards, editors, validation...).

When you create a JIRA ticket, pay attention to the category in which this ticket fits.

Reporting bugs efficiently

When you report a bug about the Petals Studio, please, be precise.

  • Mention the version of the studio, and if you can, mention the build ID too.
    This information can be found in the About dialog (Help > About Petals Studio).

  • Report the log messages if any.
    If a problem occurs, look at the Error Log (Window > Show view > Other... and then General > Error Log).
    Post the log details in any bug entry you create on JIRA.
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