New and Noteworthy

Petals Studio 1.1

Here are the new and noteworthy features of Petals Studio 1.1.


It is now possible to directly create a Service-Unit project for BPEL.
BPEL croquis (sketches) remain an alternative.

The BPEL Designer has a new layout.

The creation of BPEL processes from a WSDL has been fixed.

The direct creation of partner links has been fixed.


The creation for the Petals Jsr181 component was completely changed.
It now directly creates a Java project. It supports WSDL-first and Java-first approaches.
The Java export is similar to the usual Petals export.

Other wizards

The XSLT wizard supports both the import and the creation of a XSL style-sheet.
It can also generate a default WSDL and validate XSL style-sheets while being edited.

The XSLT wizard supports both the import and the creation of a XML schema.
It can also generate a default WSDL.

The user interface and the validation in the EIP wizard was improved.

SCA support

Service-Unit projects for SCA can directly be created.

Three creation patterns are proposed: empty composite, simple Petals service and service orchestration.

The JBI binding editor was replaced by an enhanced tab property section.

Other features

JBI descriptors can be validated explictely.

Service Assembly projects have a shortcut to package them.

It is now possible to refactor Petals projects.
For Service-Unit projects, it can be used to change service names in both the jbi.xml and a WSDL.

Maven support was drastically improved in this new version of the studio.
Default POM are ready-to-be-used with the Petals Maven plug-in.
POM files can also be customized through templates specified in the preferences (up to a template per Petals component).

The wizard to import a service assembly was updated.

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