Registering on Petals Documentation

Why register?

Registering to our documentation website is free, quick, and brings you these nices features:

  • define your favourite spaces (website sections) and pages, you'll see them directly on home page once authenticated.
  • watch pages and people, and receives automatic email notifications when related content is updated!
  • comment pages and contribute to content (with regards to Contributors Guideline)
  • get a personal space (on request) fully writable and customizable, and set it as your landing point.
    Wait no more, register now!

Using favourites pages and spaces

What is a favourite? It's either a page or space that you check with clicking on the star icon next to it. You can then view all of them in a centralized view.

Setting a page or space as favourite

For a Space
When you're on the default welcome page of the website, you'll see a list of spaces, each one having at the right end, a gray star icon. Click on this star to mark the space as favourite. Favourite spaces are identified by a yellow star.

For a Page
When viewing a page, use the right "Tools" menu, then select "Favourite". You can also check herein if a page is marked as a favourite or not.

Viewing favourites

For Spaces
On the standard homepage, once authenticated, you'll see a tabbed list of spaces. Click on "My" tab to see only the spaces you marked as favourite.

for Pages
You can see them on the standard landing page. You can also add them yo the Home of your Personal Space thanks to the {favpages} macros.

Watching pages and people

Time for lazyness! Atlassian people made a great job in writing their documentation, why would we reinvent the wheel?

Watching a Space
Watching a Page
Managing Spaces

To configure your email settings, go to the settings > email menu of your user profile and tick desired option(s).

Updating your user profile

All your

link-to: A user must be logged in to access the 'user profile'.

profile informations and settings

can be accessed from any pages, by clicking on your name on the right of top menubar.

A dropdown menu is also available when hovering the pointer on your name, providing quick access to:

  • update status: quick note on what you're doing, thinking... Expressing the thoughts of one moment and tell other people what you're working on.
  • recently viewed: the latest pages you viewed/modified.
  • profile: your personal informations.
  • network: the people you follow, and the ones following you.
  • status update: history of your status.
  • labels: see the content you marked with a "my:xxx" label.
  • watches: list of pages you're watching.
  • drafts: saves of content you have been editing without saving modifications.
  • settings: you can configure here your landing page (when you connect), your timezone and preferred language.


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