Petals-BC-SOAP 4.1.x

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{center}{*}Configuration of a Service Unit to provide a service (SOAP)*{center}

|| Parameter || Description || Default || Required ||
| soap-version | The SOAP version used to create SOAP messages. \\
| enable-compatibility-for | Enable the compatibility with a specified Web Service stack. \\
Possible values are: AXIS1 for Axis1 Web Service stack. \\ | \- | No |
| enable-wsa \\ | Enable the WSA-Addressing. Set the WSA headers in the outcoming SOAP messages. \\
Possible values are: true, false. | false \\ | No \\ |
| proxy-host | The proxy host name. \\

|| Parameter || Description || Default || Required ||
| wsa-to | Default address of the external Web Service to send JBI messages to. | \- | No |
| inject-headers | Inject some additional headers to the outgoing SOAP message. All the elements of the org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment Map which is available in the javax.jbi.messaging.protocol.headers message properties will be added if the Service Unit level property inject-headers is set to true. | \- | No |
| headers-to-inject | Set of XML headers (CDATA) to be injected into the outgoing SOAP message (in SOAP Headers). | \- | No |
| service-parameters | Additional XML configuration for created Axis2 service as CDATA, same as the Axis2 services.xml file one. | | No |
| modules | A list of Axis2 modules names to engage (separated by comas). | | No |
{center}{*}Configuration of a Service Unit to consume a service (SOAP)*{center}

|| Parameter || Description || Default || Required ||
| service-name | Web Service name to expose. | \- | No |

|| Parameter || Description || Default || Required ||
| service-parameters | Additional XML configuration for created Axis2 service as CDATA, same as the Axis2 services.xml file one. | | No |

|| Parameter || Description || Default || Required ||
| address | Address of the external Web Service to send JBI messages to. | \- | Yes |

|| Parameter || Description || Default || Required ||
| wsa-to | Default address of the external Web Service to send JBI messages to. It is the same use than soap:address for the REST mode and it is overridden by soap:address if the both are specified. | | No |

|| Parameter || Description || Default || Required ||
| service-name | Web Service name to expose. | \- | No |

|| Parameter || Description || Default || Required ||
| service-parameters | Additional XML configuration for created Axis2 service as CDATA, same as the Axis2 services.xml file one. | \- | No |
{center}{*}Configuration of the component (SOAP)*{center}

|| Parameter || Description || Default || Required ||
| http-port | HTTP port of the Jetty embedded server \\ | 8084 | No |