Petals ESB lifecycles

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| STARTED | !checkErro.png|align=center,width=20px! | !checkErro.png|align=center,width=20px! |

h1. The component life-cycle
The component life-cycle is linked to:
* [the shared life-cycle|#sharedlibrary-lifecycle-constraints],
* [the service-assembly lifecycle|#serviceassembly-lifecycle-constraints],
* [the service-unit lifecycle|#serviceunit-lifecycle-constraints]. life-cycle,
* and have following constraint against the service-unit life-cyle:
|| Service unit state || loadNewInstaller || install || start || stop || shutdown || uninstall || unloadInstaller ||
h1. The service-assembly life-cycle

h2. The life-cycle

The service assembly life-cycle can be viewed as a wrapper of its all service unit life-cycles. It propose to drive the life-cycle of its service-units in on operation.
{gliffy:name=Service-Assembly lifecyle}
The transitions from state 'UNDEPLOYED' to 'SHUTDOWN' is realized deploying the service assembly, and the return to the state 'UNDEPLOYED' is realized undeploying the service assembly. A service assembly can be (un)deployed/started/stopped/shutdown using [Petals CLI|petalsesb:Command Line Interface], [the Petals Autoloader|Petals ESB "Autoloader"], Petals Ant Tasks or the JMX API.

h2. Constraints

The service assembly life-cycle is linked to the component life-cycle:
* to realize a transition on the service-assembly life-cycle, the component must be in state STARTED or STOPPED.

|| Component state || deploy || start || stop || shutdown || undeplpoy ||
| UNLOADED | !checkErro.png|align=center,width=20px! | !checkErro.png|align=center,width=20px! | !checkErro.png|align=center,width=20px! | !checkErro.png|align=center,width=20px! |!checkErro.png|align=center,width=20px! |
| LOADED/UNINSTALLED | !checkErro.png|align=center,width=20px! | !checkErro.png|align=center,width=20px! | !checkErro.png|align=center,width=20px! | !checkErro.png|align=center,width=20px! |!checkErro.png|align=center,width=20px! |
| INSTALLED/SHUTDOWN | !checkErro.png|align=center,width=20px! | !checkErro.png|align=center,width=20px! | !checkErro.png|align=center,width=20px! | !checkErro.png|align=center,width=20px! |!checkErro.png|align=center,width=20px! |
| STOPPED | !checkOk.png|align=center,width=20px! | !checkOk.png|align=center,width=20px! | !checkOk.png|align=center,width=20px! | !checkOk.png|align=center,width=20px! |!checkOk.png|align=center,width=20px! |
| STARTED | !checkOk.png|align=center,width=20px! | !checkOk.png|align=center,width=20px! | !checkOk.png|align=center,width=20px! | !checkOk.png|align=center,width=20px! |!checkOk.png|align=center,width=20px! |

h1. The service-unit life-cyle