Logging in Petals

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* INFO: The information level highlights the provided service. Such a trace is logged parsimoniously. For example, service life cycle states are logged with this level,
* CONFIG: All parameter values are logged with this level,
* *MONIT*: This level is used to trace incoming and outgoing service messages to be able [to monitor process executions in a business point of view|Monitoring processes with their logs],
* FINE: All traces that can help a problem analysis are logged with this level.
* FINER: All traces that can help a problem analysis are logged with this level.
Since the version 4.2 of Petals ESB, custom log handlers are supported. See the [source project code of Petals provided log handlers|https://anonymous:anonymous@svn.petalslink.org/svnroot/trunk/product/dev/prod/petals/tools-commons/petals-log] to write your own.

If you want to redirect the MONIT traces elsewhere than into log files, you can use your own log handler. Just put its JAR file and dependencies into the Petals library directory, and configure your log handler into the logging configuration file.

h2. Enabling logging traces of the JMX server