Petals-BC-JMS 3.0

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h1. Sending or publishing a JBI message to a JMS Queue or Topic
PROVIDE SERVICE: Expose a Java class as a Service
* All MessageExchange patterns are allowed. But, due to the JMS paradigm, all exchanges are processed like {{InOnly}} exchanges.
* The external Queue or Topic referenced by the Service Unit has to be available before you start the Service Unit.

{petalslink:author=llacote|type=FIXME Normal qu'on mentionne Weblogic dans une doc composant Petals ?}{petalslink}
* a file relative to the PEtALS installation path
* an empty value to stipulate a non-using file | \- | No | Installation |
| external-listener-class-name | Qualified name of the class extending *AbstractExternalListener* {note}Only for Binding Components{note} | \- | No |
{note}Only for Binding Components{note} | \- | No | Component |
| jbi-listener-class-name | Qualified name of the class extending *AbstractJBIListener* | \- | Yes |
| external-listener-class-name | Qualified name of the class extending *AbstractExternalListener* | \- | No |
* The send of JMS Messages to the JBI Helloworld Service Engine.
* The send of JBI Messages to the JMS External provider.

This section presents how to install the different components and service assemblies to realize these use cases.
In each case, the external JMS Server where the client and provider queue are defined must be started in first.