Petals-BC-JMS 3.0

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h1. Feature


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h1. Sending or publishing a JBI message to a JMS Queue or Topic
PROVIDE SERVICE: Expose a Java class as a Service

{center}_Provides a JMS queue or topic as a JBI service_{center}

| password | Password to access the JMS Destination. | "" | Yes |
| transacted | JMS communication transacted mode. true or false. | "false" | Yes |
| max-active | Controls the maximum number of JMS connections that can be borrowed from the pool at one time. When non-positive, there is no limit to the number of connections that may be active at one time. When maxActive is exceeded, the pool is said to be exhausted. | "10" | No |
| "10" | No |
| max-idle | Controls the maximum number of JMS connections that can sit idle in the pool at any time. When negative, there is no limit to the number of connections that may be idle at one time. | "5" | No |
| max-wait | If a positive maxWait value is supplied, the JMS component will wait for at most that many milliseconds to retrieve an available JMS connection. If maxWait is non-positive, the component will wait indefinitely. | "10000" | No |
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{center}{*}Advanced configuration of Service Unit (provides elements)*{center}
CONSUME SERVICE: Expose an internal service outside the JBI environment

{center}_Consumes a JBI service on JMS message_{center}

All these components can be seen on Figure 3.1, “The sa-jms-consume use case”

{center}_Sa-jms-consumes mechanics_{center}
h2. Send a JBI Message to the external JMS provider
To send a JBI Message to the external JMS provider, you must install several components in the order listed below:
Now, the external JMS provider is ready to receive messages. You can use the sample client to send xml message to the endpoint defined by the su-jms-provide service unit.
All these components can be seen on figure below, “The sa-jms-provide usecase”.