Petals-SE-RMI 1.6.x

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h1. Implementing RMI client interacting with a Petals SE RMI

Your RMI client will depend on the following Maven artifacts as RMI client libraries:
* {{org.ow2.petals:petals-rmi-proxyclient}},
* {{org.ow2.petals:petals-rmi-server:1.5.0}},
* {{org.ow2.petals:petals-rmi-common:1.4.1}}
that embed classes mentioned below.

h2. Accessing the RMI registry

The instantiation of object of this class is presented below:
ComponentContextLocator ccl = new ComponentContextLocator("", 1099, "RMIComponentContext");

{note}To avoid some errors, you must inserted this line code below at the beginning of the program
System.setProperty("com.sun.xml.namespace.QName.useCompatibleSerialVersionUID", "1.0");
System.setProperty( "com.sun.xml.namespace.QName.useCompatibleSerialVersionUID", "1.0" );

Once the object is instantiated, it is possible to access to remote component context.

{info}All objects handle in the code lines presented in the next sections are instantiated from all classes included in the jar artefact of the RMI component.{info}
h2. Getting the remote component context and activate/deactivate endpoints

h2. Getting the remote component context and activate/desactivate endpoints

The code lines presented below allows a client to access to the remote component context, to activate and desactivate an endpoint:
// Access to the remote component context from the ComponentContextLocator

// Activation of an endpoint
ServiceEndpoint endpoint = rcc.activateEndpoint(new QName("", “RmiService”), “RmiEndpoint”); "RmiService"), "RmiEndpoint");

// Desactivation of the endpoint