Monitoring Petals ESB with Prometheus

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h2. Filter Petals metrics

The exporter will by default expose everything available at JVM level. Some JVM metrics will always be exposed, most of them can by filtered out using a black list and/or a white list (black list takes precedence). The following white list will produce only Petals custom and general metrics:

- "org.ow2.petals*:*"
- "Petals*:*"

h2. Configuration samples:

h2. Reload configuration

In short, once logged as admin:
# Open the side menu by clicking the Grafana icon in the top header.

h3. Creating a graph

The following dashboards are designed to display various relevant metrics about systems, containers, components and services. They require that :
* each container exposes metrics using a jmx agent (or HTTP server) using " - pattern ".*" " as configured rule.
* each container exposes metrics using a jmx agent (or HTTP server) using the wildcard pattern as configuration. The following rule and white list should reduce exported metrics to what's necessary for the dashboards (and Petals Monitoring in general).
- "org.ow2.petals*:*"
- "Petals*:*"
- "java.lang*:type=OperatingSystem,*"
- "java.lang*:type=Memory,*"
- "java.lang*:type=Threading,*"

- pattern: ".*"

* prometheus is configured to scrape from each container, adding a specific _"container"_ label to each one. Like this for example:

[^Topology overview-1552482339462.json]

[^Container overview-1552482360774.json]

[^Components detail-1552482381216.json]


[^All services-1552482428245.json]

In grafana web UI, select "Import" in the "create" menu (the big *+* icon in left sidebar), then clic "Upload .json File".

Dashboards should be operational straight away, you may have to adapt the time range and reload each dashboard (by pressing _F5_) to force variables parsing though.

For the technical dashboard that may be implemented later (for cockpit integration). "Cross origin site" errors may arise, as there does not seems to be CORS headers in grafana this may help:

h1. Alerting