

This component implements some Enterprise Integration Patterns, as described in

The services provided by the EIP components are integration logic functionalities.

The component acts as a proxy, as it receives one or more messages from consumers, and forward them to other services, depending on the integration pattern rule used.

The provided integration patterns are :

  • Aggregator
  • Bridge
  • Dispatcher
  • Router
  • DynamicRouter
  • RoutingSlip
  • ScatterGather
  • WireTap
  • Splitter

Component Configuration

The component can be extended to provide more integration patterns.

To add a new pattern, provide a Java class implementing :

 * The pattern interface
 * @author Adrien Louis
 * @author Christophe Hamerling
 * @author Frederic Gardes
public interface Pattern {

     * Initialize the pattern
    void init();

     * Process the Pattern.
     * @param exchange
     * The exchange to process
     * @param context
     * The context of the exchange
    boolean processPattern(Exchange exchange, ExchangeContext context);

     * Process an exchange for an asynchronous pattern.
     * @param exchange
     * The exchange to process
     * @param context
     * The context of the exchange
     * @param asyncContext
     * The EIP asynchronous context
     * @param expired
     * true if the asynchronous exchange is expired, false else
    boolean processAsyncPattern(Exchange exchange, ExchangeContext context,
            EIPAsyncContext asyncContext, boolean expired);

     * Get the pattern name.
     * @return The name
    String getName();

Use the ExchangeContext to help you processing your orchestration :

 * The exchange context.
 * @author Adrien Louis
 * @author Frederic Gardes
public interface ExchangeContext {

     * Get the logger
     * @return the logger
    public Logger getLogger();

     * get the Consumes for an endpoint
     * @param endpoint
     * The endpoint
     * @return The Consumes of the endpoint
    public List<Consumes> getSUConsumes(ServiceEndpoint endpoint);

     * Send synchronously an exchange. The response will be provided into the
     * same exchange
     * @param exchange
     * The exchange to send
     * @return true if the exchange was sent, false else (reached timeout,
     * technical error,...)
     * @throws MessagingException
    public boolean sendSync(final Exchange exchange) throws MessagingException;

     * Send asynchronously an exchange. The response will be provided as an
     * asynchronous exchange
     * @param exchange
     * The exchange to send
     * @param asyncContext
     * The asynchronous context, provided on the response
     * @throws MessagingException
    public void sendAsync(final Exchange exchange, AsyncContext asyncContext) throws MessagingException;

     * Send asynchronously an exchange. The response will be provided as a
     * synchronous exchange
     * @param exchange
     * The exchange to send
     * @throws MessagingException
    public void send(final Exchange exchange) throws MessagingException;

     * Create an exchange from a Consumes
     * @param consumes
     * The Consumes used as JBI Consumer of the exchange
     * @return The exchange created
     * @throws MessagingException
     * @throws PEtALSCDKException
    public Exchange createConsumeExchange(Consumes consumes) throws MessagingException, PEtALSCDKException;

     * Get the extensions
     * @return The extensions
    public ConfigurationExtensions getExtensions();

Extends the JBI.xml file of the component to reference your pattern :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jbi version="1.0"
  <component type="service-engine" component-class-loader-delegation="parent-first">
        <description>EIP Service engine</description>
        <path-element />
    <petalsCDK:properties-file />

    <!-- Declaring the supported patterns -->
Unable to render {include} Couldn't find a page to include called: 0 CDK Component Configuration Table

Service Configuration

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam fermentum vestibulum est. Cras rhoncus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed quis tortor. Donec non ipsum. Mauris condimentum, odio nec porta tristique, ante neque malesuada massa, in dignissim eros velit at tellus. Donec et risus in ligula eleifend consectetuer. Donec volutpat eleifend augue. Integer gravida sodales leo. Nunc vehicula neque ac erat. Vivamus non nisl. Fusce ac magna. Suspendisse euismod libero eget mauris.

Ut ligula. Maecenas consequat. Aliquam placerat. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla convallis. Ut quis tortor. Vestibulum a lectus at diam fermentum vehicula. Mauris sed turpis a nisl ultricies facilisis. Fusce ornare, mi vitae hendrerit eleifend, augue erat cursus nunc, a aliquam elit leo sed est. Donec eget sapien sit amet eros vehicula mollis. In sollicitudin libero in felis. Phasellus metus sem, pulvinar in, porta nec, faucibus in, ipsum. Nam a tellus. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Service Unit descriptor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam fermentum vestibulum est. Cras rhoncus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed quis tortor. Donec non ipsum. Mauris condimentum, odio nec porta tristique, ante neque malesuada massa, in dignissim eros velit at tellus. Donec et risus in ligula eleifend consectetuer. Donec volutpat eleifend augue. Integer gravida sodales leo. Nunc vehicula neque ac erat. Vivamus non nisl. Fusce ac magna. Suspendisse euismod libero eget mauris.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jbi:jbi version="1.0"
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