Dockering a stand-alone Petals ESB container

We provide a Docker image ready to launch a standalone Petals ESB container. It can be downloaded from Docker hub.

Launching the Petals ESB container


It is assumed Docker is already installed on your machine.

Downloading the Docker image of Petals ESB container

Type in the following command: docker pull petals/petals-esb-container:5.2.0

Starting Petals ESB

Type in: docker run -d -p 7700:7700 -p 7800:7800 --name petals petals/petals-esb-container:5.2.0
You can verify the container works with: docker ps

By default, we publish all the Petals ESB container ports on the host system.

Be careful: ports used by Petals components are not exposed. As an example, if you deploy the SOAP BC, whose listening port is 8084, this port will not be reachable from the outside. In such a case, you should launch Petals with an additional option: -p 8084:8084. If you forgot the option, it is not possible with Docker to expose a port after the container was launched. So, you would have to kill the container and restart it.

Working with Petals ESB container

Connecting to Petals ESB

You can connect with usual tools: [Petals CLI] or Petals Cockpit, or you can also use basic tools as JConsole or VisualVM using the JMX URL: service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://<docker-container-ip>:7700/PetalsJMX, with petals/petals as credentials.

To get the IP adress of the Docker container, type in: docker inspect petals | grep \"IPAddress\"

Getting Petals logs

Type in: docker logs petals to watch Petals logs.

Introspecting the Docker container

Type in: docker exec -ti petals /bin/bash.
This will open a console in the container.

Stopping and restarting Petals

Use docker stop petals to stop the container and docker start petals to relaunch it.

Deleting the Docker container

Use docker rm -f petals to stop and delete the Docker container.

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