Petals Getting started - day 3 - Expose a FTP Service in SOAP

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# Deploy BC-FTP in Petals ESB.

*Configure and deploy a FTP Service-Unit for [|]:*
*Check your access to external FTP server:*
# Go to in your web browser or with a FTP client.
# Use theses settings:
## *Server*:
## *Port*: 21
## *User*: petals
## *Password*: demo
# Can you access files ? If yes, perfect\! If not, you will have to build your own local ftp server:

{note:title=Create your own FTP Server}

# Create your own local FTP server. Go on your own.
## Some tutorials on Linux with [vsftpd|] or [gproftpd|].
## Tutorial on Windows: with [Filezilla FTP Server|].
# Unzip this file in your FTP folder, to keep similar parameters
# Think to adapt the tutorial to your local FTP. You're smart, that should be pretty easy \;-)

*Configure and deploy a FTP Service-Unit for* *[|]**:*

# Start Petals ESB.
# Launch Petals Studio.