Petals Getting started - day 3 - Expose a FTP Service in SOAP

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# Send a message to *FtpTutorialEndpoint*, with DIR operation.
# You should see the file "HelloWorld.txt", along with some other files.
{info:title=Want to go further? Dynamic reconfiguration.}Try reading "HelloWorld.txt" using BC-FTP. Look at the BC-FTP Documentation and go on on your own (note that is read-only. If you want to invoke writing operations, use your own ftp server).{info}

h2. Expose the FTP service over SOAP

{info:title=Want to go further? Connect an SFTP server.}Petals ESB can connect SFTP servers (FTP over ssh). You can try it. Set up your local SFTP server. Download and install the component _Petals-BC-SFTP_. Try to configure it to read files on the server.
*DONE. Bravo\!*

*Tomorrow you will create a Petals service based on a custom Java class (annotated JSR 181).*

{info:title=Want to go further? Dynamic reconfiguration}Try reading "HelloWorld.txt" using BC-FTP. Look at the BC-FTP Documentation and go on on your own (note that is read-only. If you want to invoke writing operations, use your own ftp server).{info}