From Petals 5.3.x to Petals 5.4.x

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h1. Migrating your services

A At a runtime level, a large majority of service units running on Petals 5.3.x are compatible with Petals 5.4.x and do not require changes with the exception of:
* [Petals SE Camel service units|petalscomponents:Petals-SE-Camel 1.4.0+#migrationguide].

At a development level, all service units need changes at unit test level because:
* API Jakarta EE 9 is now used by Petals ESB instead of API Java EE,
* and, all Petals component JUnit framework are based on JUnit 5 now.

*We recommend to migrate all your service units* even if no change is required at runtime level.