Petals Getting started - day 3 - Expose a FTP Service in SOAP

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h2. Deploy a FTP Service Unit

*Install and Deploy BC-FTP*
* [Download Petals ESB components|]
* Deploy BC-FTP in Petals ESB

*Configure and deploy a FTP Service-Unit for* *[]*
# Start Petals ESB.
## User: *petals*
## Password: *demo*
## Folder: _leave it empty_
## Folder: *_/_*
{note}<folder> attribute is written as optionnal in Studio, but it is not. It will be optional in BC-FTP v3, so as soon as it is published, you will not need to specify the folder attribute for the tutorial{note}
## Transfer Type: *auto*
## Connection Mode: *active*
# Finish.
# Give a look at the generated _jbi.xml._ You see the component configuration.
You should have a jbi.xml like that :

<\!-\- CDK specific elements -->

<\!-\- Component specific elements -->

# Give a look at the generated _FtpService.wsdl_. You see all operations available on the service.
# On the left "Petals projects" tree, right click on the Service-Unit Project : "_su-FtpTutorial-provide_" => Petals => Fast Export for Petals.
h2. Test and monitor in Webconsole

Test the DIR operation with Webconsole, with different parameters. (15min)
*Send DIR Operation on root folder*
# Start the Webconsole
# Server:0 => Text panel => Send
# Select
## Endpoint: FtpTutorialEndpoint
## Operation: dir
## MEP: InOut
# Submit

*Change destination folder*
# Got to [] in your web or ftp browser, using previous login. You see there is an "Integration" folder. Let's go there.
# Go to Petals Studio
# Edit FtpTutorial _jbi.xml_
# Change <folder>/</folder> to <folder>Integration</folder>
# Uninstall the previous SA
# Fast export for Petals ESB

*Redeploy the component*
# Go in Webconsole/Server:0/Administration/Service-Assemblies
# Uninstall the previous FtpTutorial SA (Stop=>Shutdown=>Uninstall)
{info}As for installing, you can use three methods:
* Webconsole. Stop=>Shutdown=>Uninstall (alternatives if needed: "force undeploy" or "clear all")
* Autoloader: Remove the corresponding .ZIP package from _./petals-platform-xxx/installed/_
* Command Line: _hu_ or _hotundeploy_

h2. Expose the FTP in SOAP