Petals Getting started - day 3 - Expose a FTP Service in SOAP

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*Install and Deploy BC-FTP*
* # [Download Petals-BC-FTP|].
* # Deploy BC-FTP in Petals ESB.

*Configure and deploy a FTP Service-Unit for* *[]*
## Service Name: *FtpTutorial*
# Next => Next: FTP Service-Unit - Define the specific properties for this version of the component.
{note}<folder> attribute is written as optionnal in Studio, but it is not. It will be optional in BC-FTP v3, so as soon as it is published, you will not need to specify the folder attribute for the tutorial.{note}
## Server: **
## Port: *21*
## Transfer Type: *auto*
## Connection Mode: *active*

<folder> attribute is written as optionnal in Studio, but it is not. It will be optional in BC-FTP v3, so as soon as it is published, you will not need to specify the folder attribute for the tutorial
# Finish.
# Look the generated _jbi.xml_ component configuration. It should look like:
{info:title=Want to go further?}Try reading the files you listed. Look at the BC-FTP Documentation and go on your own. (note that your ftp session is read-only, if you want to call writing operations, create your own ftp server){info}

h2. Expose the FTP in service over SOAP

Before, we used SOAP to import WSDL to create services inside Petals ESB. Meaning _Provide_ a SOAP service inside the bus.
# Send a few test message
# Check the messages monitoring


{info}You see the initial message was now sent by BC-SOAP to BC-FTP{info}
*DONE. Bravo \!*