Petals Getting started - day 5 - EIP Orchestration

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{info}This tutorial is based on [EIP Buffer complex use case|petalsesb:Bufferize case|petalscomponents:Bufferize operations with EIP].

* *MathOperations.AddIntegers* processes the messages and send you the responses.

{gliffy:space=petalsesb|page=Bufferize {gliffy:space=petalscomponents|page=Bufferize operations with EIP|name=Petals RMI-EIP-JSR181}

*What is EIP ?*

*What is Agregator pattern ?*


*What is Splitter Pattern ?*


# Create a new EIP Technical service with the following configuration:

|| Parameter name \\ || Value \\ || Comments \\ ||
|| JBI propertie || || ||

*EIP Agregator conditions*
# Messages Elements which satisfy "aggregator-correlation" are aggregated
This means elements Elements inside <AddIntegers> will be aggregated.

# Messages which satisfy "test" trigger the sending of aggregated buffer
# When "test" is true, aggregated message is sent.
If When <AddIntegers> contains the <equals> element, the aggregated message is sent to the next service, and buffer cleared.

# Elements which satisfy "test" are extracted and sent to the next service.
<AddIntegers> elements are split and each one is sent in one message.
<AddIntegers> elements are split and sent one by one.

h2. Test the EIP chain

Deploy the SA containing the SU su-jsr181-MathOperations-provide. Deploy the SA&nbsp;sa-Eip-AggregatorSplitter.
# Deploy the SA containing the SU su-jsr181-MathOperations-provide.
# Deploy the SA&nbsp;sa-Eip-AggregatorSplitter.
# Send messages from webconsole, with InOut MEP (message exchange pattern)
# Send the trigger message.

Send messages from webconsole, with InOut MEP (message exchange pattern), then send the trigger.

{code:lang=xml|title=Message 1|theme=Default}
<AddIntegers xmlns:xsi="" >

Bufferize more messages:

{code:lange=xml|title=Message 2|theme=Default}

Trigger :
{code:lang=xml|title=Message 4 - Trigger|theme=Default}
<AddIntegers xmlns:xsi="" >

Messages processed by MathOperations :
{code:lang=xml|title=Response message|theme=Default}
<result xmlns="">

*Other orchestration ways: BPEL, SCA, JSR181 or POJO. More info in whitepaper*