Petals Getting started - day 5 - EIP Orchestration

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h2. Configure the Splitter

# Create a new EIP Technical service with the following configuration:
|| Parameter name \\ || Value \\ || Comments \\ ||
|| JBI propertie || || ||
| Interface namespace | [] | |
| InterfaceName | EipSplitterInterface | |
| Service Namespace | [] |
| Service Name | EipSplitter |
| End-point Name | EipSplitterEndpoint |
|| Project Name and Location || ||
| Project Name | su-EIP-EipSplitter-provide |
|| Specific Component properties || ||
| Eip | Splitter |
|| Service Parameters || ||
| Service Parameters | _Select "su-jsr181-MathOperations-provide" _ | Auto-configuration
|| XPath Condition || ||
| XPath Condition | //*\[local-name()="AddIntegers"\] |
|| Additional Parameters || ||
| Service Operation Namespace | [] | |
| Service Name | EipSplitter | |
| End-point Name | EipSplitterEndpoint | |
|| Project Name and Location || || ||
| Project Name | su-EIP-EipSplitter-provide | |
| Operation | AddIntegers |
| Mep | InOut |
|| Specific Component CDK properties || || ||
| Eip | Splitter | |
|| Service Parameters || || ||
| Service Parameters | _Select "su-jsr181-MathOperations-provide" _ | Auto-configuration |
|| XPath Condition || || ||
| XPath Condition | //*\[local-name()="AddIntegers"\] | |
|| Additional Parameters || || ||
| Operation Namespace | [] | |
| Operation | AddIntegers | |
| Mep | InOut | |
|| CDK properties || || ||
| Validate WSDL | false | There is no wsdl |

h2. Configure the Aggregator
# Create a new EIP Technical service with the following configuration:

|| Parameter name \\ || Value \\ || Comments \\ ||
|| JBI propertie || || ||
| Interface namespace | [] | |
| InterfaceName | EipAggregatorInterface | |
| Service Namespace | [] | |
| Service Name | EipAggregator | |
| End-point Name | EipAggregatorEndpoint | |
|| Project Name and Location || || ||
| Project Name | su-EIP-EipAggregator-provide | |
|| Specific Component properties || || ||
| Eip | Aggregator | |
| Aggregator Correlation \\ | boolean(/*\[local-name()="AddIntegers"\]) | |
|| Service Parameters || || ||
| Service Parameters | _Select "_{_}su-EIP-EipSPlitter-provide{_}_" _ | Auto-configuration |
|| XPath Condition || || ||
| XPath Condition | {noformat:nopanel=true}boolean(/*[local-name()="AddIntegers"\]/*[local-name()="equals"]){noformat} | |
|| Additional Parameters || || ||
| Operation Namespace | [] | |
| Operation | AddIntegers | |
| Mep | InOut | |
|| CDK properties || || ||
| Validate WSDL | false | There is no wsdl |

*Other orchestration ways: BPEL, SCA, JSR181 or POJO. More info in whitepaper*