Petals Getting started - day 3 - Expose a FTP Service in SOAP

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# Look the generated _FtpService.wsdl_ sources. Operations available on service are described here.
# On the left "Petals projects" tree, right click on the Service-Unit Project "_su-FtpTutorial-provide_" => Petals => Fast Export for Petals.
{note:title=Known bug for Studio v1.1.0 !}Please check jbi.xml and FtpService \!
{note:title=Known bug for Studio v1.1.0 !}Please check jbi.xml and FtpService. There is a bug sometimes (on Windows 7).
"interface-name" attribute in _jbi.xml_ and "portType name" in the WSDL should have the same value. If not, please correct _FtpService.wsdl_ :