Petals Getting started - day 3 - Expose a FTP Service in SOAP

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# Start Petals ESB.
# Launch Petals Studio.
# File => New => Service Unit Project: Service Unit - Select the kind of service to create.
# Select: Provide / FTP / Current_Version => Next: FTP Service-Unit - Defines the JBI properties of the service to import.
# Go to *File* *> New > Service Unit Project*.
# Select *Provide > FTP >* *{_}Your_Current_Version{_}*
# Click *Next*. It displays the window "FTP Service-Unit - Defines the JBI properties of the service to import."
## *Service Name*: FtpTutorial
# Next => Next: FTP Service-Unit - Define the specific properties for this version of the component.
# Click *Next > Next*: It displays the window "FTP Service-Unit - Define the specific properties for this version of the component."
{note}<folder> attribute is written as optionnal in Studio, but it is not. It will be optional in BC-FTP v3, so as soon as it is published, you will not need to specify the folder attribute for the tutorial.{note}
## *Server*:
## *Transfer Type*: auto
## *Connection Mode*: active
# Finish.
# Click *Finish*.
# Look the generated _jbi.xml_ component configuration. It should look like:

# Look the generated _FtpService.wsdl_ sources. Operations available on service are described here.
# On the left "Petals projects" tree, right click on the Service-Unit Project "_su-FtpTutorial-provide_" => Petals => Fast Export for Petals.
# Go in *Service-Unit Project* on the left *Petals projects* tree.
# Right click on *"su-FtpTutorial-provide"*.
# Select *Petals > Fast Export for Petals*.
{note:title=Known bug for Studio v1.1.0 !}Please check jbi.xml and FtpService. There is a bug sometimes (on Windows 7).
"interface-name" attribute in _jbi.xml_ and "portType name" in the WSDL should have the same value. If not, please correct _FtpService.wsdl_ :
*Send test DIR Operation on root folder:*
# Start the Webconsole
# Server:0 => Test panel => Send
# Go to *Webconsole > Server:0 > Test > Send*
# Select:
## *Endpoint*: FtpTutorialEndpoint
## *Operation*: dir
## *MEP*: InOut
# Submit
The response message should list files on the Ftp.
# Click *Submit*.
You should get a response message, listing files on the Ftp.

*Monitor services:*
# In Webconsole, go to tab: Monitoring / Server Monitoring.
# Check "Filter endpoint".
# Select Endpoint: FtpTutorialEndpoint.
# Go to *Webconsole > Server: 0 > Monitoring > Server Monitoring*.
# Check *Filter endpoint*.
# Select Endpoint "FtpTutorialEndpoint"
{info} You can also create filters based on Interface name, Service Name or Operation Name. This is useful for example if one service is duplicated on multiple endpoints.{info}
# Submit. FtpTutorial is now listed in exchange filters.
# Activate monitoring on FtpTutorialEndpointby clicking the small icon in the "Monitoring" column.
# Click *Submit*. "FtpTutorial" is now visible in exchange filters list.
# Click the small icon in "Monitoring" column in the list, to activate monitoring for "FtpTutorialEndpoint".
# Send a few test messages from the test panel.
# Go in tab: Monitoring/Filter Monitoring.
# Go to: *Monitoring > Filter Monitoring*.
_Screenshot: Message exchange monitoring_

*Change destination folder:*
# Got to *[]* in your web browser or ftp browser, client, using previous login. You see there is an "Integration" folder. Let's go there.
# Go to Petals Studio.
# Edit FtpTutorial's _jbi.xml._
# Change <folder>/</folder> to <folder>Integration</folder>.
# Replace "<folder>/</folder>" by "<folder>Integration</folder>"
# Save

*Redeploy the component:*
# Go in Webconsole / Server:0 / Administration / Service-Assemblies.
# Uninstall the previous FtpTutorial SA (Stop=>Shutdown=>Uninstall).
# Go to *Webconsole > Server: 0 > Administration > Service-Assemblies*.
# Uninstall the previous FtpTutorial SA: Click *Stop* then *Shutdown* then *Uninstall*).
{info}As for installing, you can use three methods:
* Webconsole. Stop=>Shutdown=>Uninstall (alternatives if needed: "force undeploy" or "clear all")
* from Webconsole: Click alternatively *Stop*, *Shutdown* and *Uninstall* (Alternatives: "force undeploy" or "clear all")
* from Autoloader: Remove the corresponding .ZIP package from _./petals-platform-xxx/installed/_
* from Command Line: Type _hu_ or _hotundeploy_. Ex: _"hu{_}_"._
# Go in Petals Studio => _"Fast export for Petals"_ on the FTP SU.
# Go to: Petals Studio.
# Fast-export the FTP Service-Unit.
# Drag&Drop the newly generated _sa-FTP-FtpTutorial-provide.zip_ from Eclipse to _./petals-platform-xxx/install/_
# Check in Petals ESB traces that the new SA was deployed sucessfully.
# Test FTP Service-Unit by calling DIR operation obn Webconsole.
{info:title=Want to go further?}Try reading the files you listed. Look at the BC-FTP Documentation and go on your own. (note that your ftp session is read-only, if you want to call writing operations, create your own ftp server).{info}

h2. Expose the FTP service over SOAP

Before, we used SOAP was used to import WSDL to create services inside Petals ESB. Meaning _Provide_ a SOAP service inside the bus.
Now we will do the contrary : A service (FTP) exists inside the bus, we want to deploy it outside. The new SOAP service will _Consume_ the existing FtpTutorial. Then the goal of SOAP-consume is to expose as SOAP outside of the bus.
This time you will do the contrary : A service (FTP) exists inside the bus. You will create a SOAP Service-Unit to&nbsp;_Consume_ the existing "FtpTutorial" Service. This will expose "FtpTutorial", and make it accessible over SOAP protocol.

*Expose a SOAP-Consume of FtpTutorial:*
# Petals Studio => File => New => Service Unit Project.
# Select: Consume / SOAP / Current_SOAP_Version.
# Next: SOAP Service-Unit - You have to provide the namespace.
# Clic "Select a service" => "FtpTutorial implements FtpInterface @ FtpTutorialEndpoint" => OK: Fields are automatically completed.
# Next: Define the project name and location.
# Next: Define the specific properties for this version of the component.
# Go to *Petals Studio*.
# Click *File > New > Service-Unit Project*.
# Select *Consume > SOAP > Your_BC-SOAP_Version*.
# Click *Next*. It displays the window "SOAP Service-Unit - You have to provide the namespace".
# Click *Select a service.*
# Select *FtpTutorial implements FtpInterface @ FtpTutorialEndpoint*.
# Click *OK*. Fields are automatically completed.
# Click *Next > Next*. It displays the window "Define the specific properties for this version of the component".
## *Service Name*: SoapFtpTutorial
# Next: Define the CDK properties.
# Finish.
# Click *Next > Finish*.
# Export and deploy in Petals ESB.

{code}[Petals.Container.Components.petals-bc-soap]-INFO 2010-10-06 15:26:22,032 The Axis2 service 'SoapFtpTutorial' has been registered and is available at ''{code}
# Go to [] in your web browser.
# Go to *Service List*.
# Copy the SoapFtpTutorial WSDL URL.

*Create a SOAP UI Project:*
# Launch SOAP UI.
# File => New soapUI Project.
# Click *File > New soapUI Project*.
## *Project Name*: PetalsFtpTutorial (or whatever name).
## Initial WSDL/WADL: \_Paste the WSDL URL previously copied. Might be: [\_|]
# OK.
## *Initial WSDL/WADL*: Paste the WSDL URL previously copied. Might be: [|]
# Click *OK*.

*Test the proxified FTP DIR operation:*
# PetalsFtpTutorial => FtpServiceSoapBinding => dir.
# Right clic on "Request1" => Show Request Editor: A window with a pre-generated messages appears.
# Delete what is under&nbsp; <\!\--Optionnal-\->: <connection> node and its children. Ftp parameters were already configured in the SU, so you do not need to configure them again.
# Click *PetalsFtpTutorial > FtpServiceSoapBinding > dir*.
# Right click on *Request1*.
# Select *Show Request Editor*: It displays a window with a pre-generated message.
# Delete what is under&nbsp; <\!\--Optionnal-\->. This means deleting <connection> node and its children.

{info}Ftp parameters are already configured in the Service-Unit, so you do not need to configure them again.{info}

{code:lang=xml|title=Your message looks like this}
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ver="">

*Technical monitoring with Webconsole:*
# Go in Webconsole => Server: 0 => Monitoring => Server Monitoring
## *Check* "Filter Endpoint"
## *Select*: FtpTutorialEndpoint
# Submit
# Go to *Webconsole > Server: 0 > Monitoring > Server Monitoring*
## Check *Filter Endpoint*.
## Select *FtpTutorialEndpoint.*
# Click *Submit.*
# Click the small image in the "_Monitoring"_ Column "Monitoring" column to activate _FtpTutorialEndpoint_ monitoring.
# Send a few test message with SOAP UI.
# Go in Webconsole => Server: 0 => Monitoring => Filter Monitoring
# Go to *Webconsole > Server: 0 > Monitoring > Filter Monitoring.*
# Click on the magnifier image on the right of a any message exchange to get details. You should get a screen like this:
!Exchange SOAP-FTP.png|thumbnail,border=1!
_Screen: Message exchange status_