Version 1 by Laurent Lacôte
on Oct 07, 2010 15:54.

compared with
Current by Vincent Zurczak
on Aug 21, 2013 17:01.

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*Q: How does PetalsLink choose which JDK versions and databases to support ?*
*Q: Where can I get community support for Petals ESB?*
Try the Petals forum: http://forum.petalslink.com/

For JDK, we choose to support Sun JDK versions that have not yet reached their [End of Service Life|http://java.sun.com/products/archive/eol.policy.html].
For databases, we try to pick a good cross-section of open source platforms.

*Q: Where can I get professionnal support for Petals ESB?*
You can contact Linagora's commercial services: http://linagora.com
*Q: What is a supported platform ?*

A supported platform is one that :  that:
* Petals ESB is regularly tested on during the development cycle.
* One that is available within PetalsLink Linagora for support technicians and developers to reproduce problems.
* Bugs raised against it will be given the highest level of priority.

Supporting a platform means we know how to get Petals ESB running in that environment and can troubleshoot Petals ESB issues within it. It does not mean we have any particular expertise beyond that.
*Q: Where can I find the supported environements and system requirements?*

For very released and documented version of Petals ESB, there is a page which indicates the system requirements for this version. It also defines the prerequisites for production environements.

*Q: Can I get assistance with running Petals ESB on a platform that is not supported ?*

If you are running Petals ESB on an unsupported platform, then we can not guarantee providing any support or result for it. If we accept to bring support, it will be a _best effort_ approach. Furthermore, we will recommend that you switch to a platform which is supported.

*Q: How can I get PetalsLink Linagora to support Petals ESB on a new platform ?*

Supporting a new platform involves a significant investment of time by PetalsLink, Linagora, both up-front costs to set up new testing environments and fix any issues we might encounter and the ongoing costs involved in maintaining the application against this new environment in the future. As such, supporting a new platform is not something we will do unless we know there is significant demand for it.
Still, you can try to contact our sales department : [http://www.petalslink.com/fr/contact|http://www.petalslink.com/fr/contact]. [Linagora's commercial services|http://linagora.com].

*Q: My organisation has standardised on an operating environment that Petals ESB does not support. What can I do ?*

Run Petals ESB in the unsupported environment, with the caveats mentioned above.
Make Or make an exception to your standardised operating environment and set up Petals ESB based on its supported platforms.