Petals Cockpit 0.22.0-SNAPSHOT


Petals Cockpit is a web interface to administrate a set of Petals ESB topologies.

Petals Cockpit 1.0.0 works with Petals ESB, but may also work in degraded mode with previous versions.
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Installing Petals Cockpit


Petals Cockpit needsJava SE Runtime Environment 8 to run the backend.

For now, the supported browsers are Chrome and chromium variants. While not officially supported, the frontend application is highly compatible with Firefox.

Installation from .zip file

  1. Get latest compiled version from Petals Cockpit project page
  2. Unpack it and go into the directory
  3. Run Petals Cockpit script : 
$ ./

Build/Run from docker

Installation details are on repository main page.

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