Welcome to Petals Software Documentation

Here is the place to get all informations about your preferred SOA solution, Petals SOA Suite!
If you're a newcomer, take a glance at the [Tour Guide]! For regular users, the Quick Access Corner is here! Also, don't forget that registering brings you useful features!

Please note that our new Wiki-based documentation is in progress. If you need more documentation, you're welcomed to ask on Petals community forum. Feel free to send an email to admin-confluence@petalslink.com for any questions.

Quick Access Corner

First time on Petals documentation? Take the tour guide!

I'm new here, where do I begin?

Getting started: familiarise yourself with essential concepts ([SOA], [ESB] and [more...]) and explore the [Petals Platform capabilities and features].

I'm familiar with SOA and ESB, tell me more about Petals Platform.

Discover [Petals Platform features and use-cases], then experience the Petals platform through the [User Guide] and [simple demonstrations].

I'm familiar with Petals Platform, I'd like to learn more about the advanced features!

Discover more complex interactions and approaches with the Petals platform, by taking a look at our advanced use cases.

I'm a Petals guru, I'd like to help!

You are very welcome to contribute to our documentation according to our Contributor Guidelines.
And why not contacting us to discuss your career ambitions?

Going further

If you are looking for further help and info, our forums are the main place to go.
We also advise you to register on this wiki! It will allow you to customize the wiki for a faster access to what you need, and to put comments on pages for questions or corrections.

Note that we always appreciate feedback and contributions.
All the contributions to the documentation are ruled by our Contributor Guidelines (in short, you accept that your work is published here under CC-by-nc-sa and can be integrated in commercial documentation and products).

For any question or suggestion about this wiki, please email us at admin-confluence@petalslink.com.
If you are looking for professional support, please contact us directly, we will be glad to help you build your project.

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